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Mr Pal SINN, an artist, has become the main actor in a series of smoking cessation advertisements in recent years. He showed the ambivalence of a smoker making excuses not to kick the habit and a smoking father trying to remove third-hand smoke by exhaust fans in a lively way. Pal had smoked for thirty years. On his 47 years-old birthday, he decided to quit smoking and restore health as the best gift to himself. As a music lover, Pal used to perform in discos and pubs with friends frequently. He started smoking at the age of 17 due to peer pressure. He knew smoking was hazardous to health and yet he continued to smoke with different excuses such as for refreshment, social needs and inspiration. Nicotine won’t help enhance inspiration and social ability |
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Pal realized that he was being too naïve to believe smoking could boost inspiration. In fact, it was just an unconscious action controlled by nicotine. After quitting smoking, he had a clearer mind and an enhanced image which brought him more job opportunities. He no longer had bad breath and stink of smoke. Some people may consider smoking as a kind of social networking. Pal pointed out that cigarettes have nothing to do with socializing.
Will power is the key for smoking cessation
In his middle age, Pal put health at top of agenda. The implementation of indoor smoking ban in 2007 sparkled his determination to kick the 30-years bad habit. He attributed the success of quitting smoking to his will power and support from family and friends. Pal became very determined to resist the smoking temptation from friends and he also encouraged these friends to quit.
Pal loved to share his successful quit stories to encourage other smokers. He became the Smoking Cessation Ambassador of Hong Kong Council on Smoking and Health (COSH) and participated in three advertisements and other TV programmes in recent years. He showed the ambivalence of a smoker making excuses to smoke while he knew the adverse effects of smoking on health in a lively way in an advertisement, which was one of the five finalists of TVB Most Popular Commercial Awards 2014 (General category). His image as a successful quitter has deeply impressed the mass public.
Apart from advertisements and short TV clips, Pal composed a brand new cessation song in Cantonese for COSH by managing the melody, lyric, music arrangement and vocal. Famous musician, Mr Mark LUI, who has quitted smoking earlier, was invited to be the music director. The song is to support quitters and to promote the advantages of cessation.
Mark had a long smoking history and claimed himself to be a “moving chimney”. He was highly addictive to cigarettes when he first knew Pal and smoked at most three packs per day. He agreed that will power is the key for smoking cessation, especially after he failed in several quit attempts even with the aids of nicotine replacement therapy products including nicotine patches and gum. One day, Mark suddenly made up his mind to overcome the dependency on nicotine and finally he succeeded to kick the habit without any aids. He felt more confident in encountering different challenges and most importantly, he enjoyed the intimate relationship with his sons who hated his smoke stinks before. Mark thought that all smokers know the adverse effects of smoking and the needs to kick the habit. They are just lack of determination. He encouraged smokers to quit smoking as soon as possible before they regret.